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Small Business Saturday and The Chic Urban Closet

by - 9:00 AM

Small Business Saturday is fastly approaching. After the sales of Black Friday, on Nov. 24th to show support of the great local businesses in your community shop small business. As a new small business owner (let me pause and take in the excitement) I have always aimed to do business with local restaurants  stores, and boutiques. From vinyl, to baked goods, to beauty products, the small businesses of my community are what makes it unique, intimate, and a great place to live. For more information visit Small Business Saturday on facebook.

On to my new endeavor as a small business owner. You might noticed that my posts have increasingly featured more thrifted and vintage tips. I have always been an avid thriftter and if you've ever been in my home you seen how it oozes with unique and beautiful vintage finds. I've finally decided, and I do have blogging to thank for this, to open The Chic Urban Closet, a curated online vintage boutique specializing in affordable vintage and luxury goods. For now I am selling my pieces in an online etsy store, but appointments can be made for more personalized shopping experiences.

Facebook:  facebook.com/TheChicUrbanCloest
Website: thechicurbancloset.etsy.com
Instagram:  instagram.com/thechicurbancloset
Contact: thechicurbancloset@gmail.com

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